Catastrophic environmental degradation is one of the most urgent problems in the modern world, which our children have to solve. A caring attitude toward nature emerges when children observe it, learn to see its beauty, and know how to take care of plants and animals. On this basis, children’s love for nature and native land is formed.
The child’s attitude toward the natural world depends to a large extent on how carefully his parents treat plants and animals. There are always many walks with young children, and this is the time to explain to the little ones that we are part of nature, so we must love and protect it – it is unacceptable to treat it in a consumerist way. And today we’re going to talk about 6 ways to get your child involved in the greening of nature. Let’s go!
Nature in Spring
During the seasonal changes, you especially realize how beautiful our nature is, how many positive emotions it gives us! Everyone rejoices in spring with its tender sticky leaves, first flowers, and bright sunshine!
Nature is a powerful factor of development, a source of inspiration and harmony. It also has significant recreational potential, allowing you to restore vital energy and peace of mind. It is good if the child learns to draw strength and emotionally relax in nature, so that, as an adult, not to resort to chemicals or go into virtual reality. Nature is so complex and multifaceted, and its laws are so interesting, that the inquisitive mind creates a wide field for development. It is unpleasant and bitter to watch the sap flowing out of the wounded trees and the trash lying among the sprouting grass, as children ruin birds’ nests, break trees, mock animals.
The Challenges of Parenting
We live in an age of digital technology, virtual reality, the inexhaustible flow of information that surrounds our children with an invisible field. Nature has a very low profile in all this. Teachers note that many children cannot distinguish a goose from a duck in a picture, it is difficult for them to imagine that the bread they eat is made from grain grown in the fields, it is not easy for them to empathize with an injured animal, because in the game the characters have more than one life. It is difficult to foster a love of nature if the child is introduced to it only through the pages of a textbook or a computer monitor.
- Teach Your Child to Respect Nature
To feel the beauty of nature, you also need practice. The forest, field, meadow, lake have their own special beauty. You don’t need to hurry, you need to stop and look closely at your surroundings. Have you seen a fallen cone in the park? That’s great! Explain why you need it, why not all trees have cones, compare different cones. Did you see a woodpecker? Great! Stop and see how cleverly he works. Tell your child that it is a real woodsman. He breathes with one nostril – the left one. And through the right one, he has a long tongue.
2. Draw the Child’s Attention to The Environment
It is not enough to awaken in the child a sense of beauty, it is important to teach them to help nature as much as they can. For example, during a walk in the park not bad to draw attention to the paucity of bird feeders and make your own. Or plant a flowerbed in front of the house and take care of them. It is useful to participate in garden activities. A few tries like this, and the desire to leave behind litter will disappear.

3. Make Handicrafts with Your Children
To understand nature, you need to explore it. For example, gather a herbarium or plant a tree, and then watch how it will grow. Collect mineral collections, study constellations, learn to identify the genus and species of plants or animal tracks.
4. Pets
Pets and plants are the links between the human world and wildlife. Taking care of them is a wonderful experience of interacting with them that is available to everyone. The most important thing information of a careful attitude to nature is systematic and consistency. One-time actions will not save the situation.
5. Set the Right Example

You can talk as much as you like about the need to protect nature. But if parents don’t follow what they say, there will be no effect. Do you teach your child to leave mushrooms, when gathering mushrooms, and when leaving a picnic, to fill up the fire? Be kind and ourself follow this rule. Do you want your child to clean up after himself garbage? Don’t leave it behind either. The best teacher is not the admonishing tone of the parents, but the atmosphere of love for nature in the family.
Nature is necessary for man to live. If we do not take care of nature, people will begin to die from various diseases and even ecological disasters. In the course of their lives, people heavily pollute forests, seas, rivers, and lakes. Some people think that nothing bad will happen from a bag of garbage thrown into a pond or the yard of a house. But what if a hundred people think so? And it turns out that at the bottom of rivers, on the sidewalks you can find shards of broken glass bottles, pieces of torn plastic bags, and other unnecessary waste. People breathe the environmentally polluted air of factories and plants and drink polluted water.
Do We Really Want to Live Like This?
On the contrary, we want to come for mushrooms and berries in a clean forest. Listen to the birds’ sing. Birds are part of our nature. They add charm to forests, gardens, and groves, and are the best decoration of urban parks. Birds transform the landscape and make it joyful and pleasant with their singing. However, people must remember that birds, fish, and animals can not live in a dirty environment. That is why the Red Book was created to protect the flora and fauna of our homeland from destruction. So let’s teach our children to take care of the planet!